Synchronizing Device Manager with Azure Blob

The 'Latest Versions' page in Device Manager enables admin to obtain the latest device firmware files from AudioCodes' Microsoft Azure firmware repository, before upgrading the devices in the 'Devices Status' page. The 'Latest Versions' page enables admin to sync Device Manager with the repository before performing the device upgrade.

(if the page displays a newer|different version icon)

To sync Device Manager with cloud :
1. Open the 'Latest Firmware Versions' page (Setup > Firmware> Latest Firmware Versions):
See how many (if any) devices in the network require a firmware upgrade by locating icon in the Dashboard page. If there are, click the icon. The icon shown here indicates there are 26. The Latest Versions page shown below opens.


Navigate to the page (Setup > Firmware > Latest Firmware Versions).

2. Click a tab to filter the page by product. By default, the page under the leftmost tab opens first. The tabs are from L-R:
AudioCodes Teams displays Teams devices such as the Teams IP phones and Microsoft Teams Rooms.
AudioCodes UC displays for example the IP phones for Skype for Business and the HRS devices for Skype for Business.
AudioCodes SIP displays generic SIP devices such as the generic SIP IP phones and generic SIP HRS devices.
AudioCodes Peripheral displays peripheral devices such as the RX15 Speakerphone, RXVCam10 Personal Webcam and RXVCam50 Video Camera.
APK displays Android Package Kits such as the Microsoft Teams APK for all Native Teams Deskphones and the Microsoft Teams Room APK for Android. APK is the file format for applications used on the Android operating system.
Jabra displays Jabra devices.
Polycom displays supported Polycom devices.
3. Click the button located lowermost left in the page under each tab.
Get latest Teams firmware (Sync). Updates the firmware versions on all Teams devices whose versions are old.
Get latest Skype for Business firmware (Sync). Updates the firmware versions on all Skype for Business devices whose versions are old.
Get latest Generic SIP firmware (Sync). Updates the firmware versions on all generic SIP devices whose versions are old.
Get latest Peripherals version. Updates the versions of peripheral devices software files.
Get latest APK version. Updates the versions of APK software files.
Get latest Jabra firmware. Updates the versions of all Jabra devices firmware files.
Get latest Polycom firmware. Updates the versions of all Polycom devices firmware.
4. In the prompt shown in the figure below that is then displayed, click Sync; the firmware on all Teams devices synchronized.

5. In the page under each tab, view the following icons adjacent to each device. The actions here are per that device.

Click to sync with AudioCodes' recommended latest firmware version on the cloud; it will reach the device only after clicking Generate Configuration.

The device is disconnected.

Click to download the device's latest firmware version from Live Platform server to pc / laptop.

Click to upload the device's latest firmware version to Live Platform; it will overwrite the existing firmware.

6. In the prompt shown below displayed after clicking , click Update; the firmware of the specific Teams device is updated.

7. Open the Devices Status page (Monitor > Devices Status), click the 'Actions' drop-down adjacent to the relevant phone, and then choose Update Firmware; the firmware file listed in the 'Latest Versions' page is uploaded to the phone.